Я смотрю туда, куда последние месяцы смотрел бегло, боязно.
Я наконец-то улыбаюсь - не ухмыляюсь, без грусти, не как психопат законченный и не витая в своих облаках.
Люди, я ОЖИЛ.
Я сияю, я ликую, я пою и танцую, мне просто невыразимо хорошо.
Я не могу заснуть впервые не оттого, что меня мучают крики или ещё что-то подобное. Я не могу заснуть, потому что я полон радости.
Понимаете, радости?
Я надеюсь, что теперь он всё понял. Я чувствовал, последние два дня у меня была непонятно откуда взявшаяся эйфория.
Теперь моя память не уничтожает меня, теперь я могу закрыть глаза и вспомнить те моменты, которые изначально были самыми счастливыми.
Надеюсь, теперь ты всё понимаешь, чудовище.
Я дико счастлив.
Пожалуйста, я и дальше хочу дышать.
Across the desert plains
Where nothing dares to grow
I taught you how to sing
You taught me everything I know.
And thought the night is young
And we don't know if we'll live to see the sun…
The best is yet to come!
I know, you know
That we've only just begun -
Through the highs and lows.
And how can I live without you?
You're such a part of me!
And you've always been the one
Keeping me forever young.
And the best is yet to come!
Don't look now, the best is yet to come!
Take my hand, the best is yet to come.
Thinking of the times
How we laughed and cried
I wouldn't change a thing -
I couldn't even if I tried.
Through the wind and rain
The spirit of our song remains the same.
And the best is yet to come!
I know, you know -
That we've only just begun
Through the highs and lows
And how can I live without you?
You're such a part of me.
And you've always been the one
Keeping me forever young.
And the best is yet to come!
Don't look now, the best is yet to come!
Take my hand, the best is yet to come!
Oh, can you feel it in the air?
It's in your heart and everywhere.
We got to keep that dream alive!
We cross another road
And face another day.
Soldiers never die -
They only fade away.
How can we grow old
When the soundtrack of our lives is rock-&-roll?
And the best is yet to come!
I know, you know
That we've only just begun
Through the highs and lows.
And how can I live without you?
You're such a part of me!
And you've always been the one
Keeping me forever young.
And the best is yet to come!
Don't look now, the best is yet to come!
Take my hand, the best is yet to come!